Friday, September 27, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Risner's Reading Party!!
-comfy clothes
-healthy snack
-small blanket/pillow
-lots of books
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
Science Food Web Poster Project
Poster Creativity & Effort
Components (all 3)
-Poster, list of food chains, categorized organisms
Work Day
Showed above & beyond effort, showed great
creativity, very colorful & well organized, pictures large & labeled
w/organism name
All required items are neatly completed and turned in on
time, all information is correct
On task entire time, used resources: teacher, computers,
magazines, coloring supplies, paper
Showed much effort, showed a lot of creativity, colorful
& organized, pictures large & labeled w/names
All required items are neatly completed and turned in on
time, but 1 or 2 mistakes were made
On task most of time, used resources
Showed some effort, some creativity, lacking some color
or organization, pictures either large but not labeled or too small
Most required items are neatly completed and turned in on
time, but 3-5 mistakes were made
On task some of the time, used resources
Showed little effort & creativity, barely any color
or not well organized, pictures too small & few are or none are labeled
Missing one of the components all together, or 5-10
mistakes in the information
Barely on time entire time, did not use resources to full
advantage/for project
Showed very little effort, not creative, no color &
not well organized, pictures too small & none are labeled
Missing 2 of the components, or more than 10 mistakes in
the information
Barely on time entire time, distracted others, off task
Not on poster at all, or just printed an already-made
food web
No components turned in
Not on task at all
Thursday, September 12, 2013
It is already time to start planning Parent-Teacher Conferences!!
They will be on Thursday September 26...but I will work with your schedules for other days and times.
Look for a paper to come home soon about days and times.
Upcoming assembly
I'm just full of blogs today...
We are having a speaker come in next week, Thursday, September 19, to talk about bullying. The assembly will start at 1 and last atleast an hour.
Right now in science we are talking about energy in ecosystems.
Photosynthesis, food chains & webs, consumers, producers, & decomposes.
Ask your student about the photosynthesis chant :)
We're looking at a quiz maybe next week on lesson one.
Also, we just ordered more science books so hopefully they come in quickly and your student can bring one home!
Reading at home
I sent this red paper home with the last reading log. I love the graphic visual this illustrates. Reading at home is sooo important...not to mention it is practically their only homework this year.
Make 25 min of reading at home each night a priority!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
So Far This Year
We are getting ready to take some newly developed (by the 5th grade teachers here at Graham) annual diagnostic (pre)-assessments for each OAA tested subject. This includes Reading, Math, and Science in 5th grade.
The students will take these assessments at the beginning of the year and again at the end of the year so we can collect data on their progress. The assessments will NOT be recorded as a grade at the beginning of the year...not sure about the end of the year yet. The assessments will challenge the students to think critically. They focus around 5th grade standards, but also review/build upon 3th & 4th grade standards as well.
Nothing to sweat this time around!We are just asking the students to take them seriously and try their best.
We are going to begin the Math and Science assessments tomorrow (Thursday, September 6th). We do not want to overwhelm the students so we are going to do half of each assessment Thursday and finish the second half on Friday. Make-ups will be next week.
The Math is only 36 problems long and the Science is only 20...NOTHING compared to the OAA!
The Reading assessment will be administered next week. Half on Thursday, September 12th and half on Friday, September 13th. The Reading has 4 stories and only 12 questions!