Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Math Series Access

infoGRAHAM Capture.JPG

Graham Elementary School       October  2015

EnVision Math                                                                         Digital Access for Students and Parents

Username    grahamelementaryparentaccess
Password     falcons1!

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Our school is using a new Mathematics curriculum called “enVision Math”.  In addition to paper texts, there are online texts and additional features like videos, games, and online math tools that are accessible anywhere a student can log-in to the website.

Accessing the program from home is simple and secure. Follow these steps to get started:

1. Go to

2. Help your child sign in using the username and password provided by their teacher.
  • Click on “Sign In”
  • Enter the Username
  • Enter the Password

Students and parents can access digital resources at school on a desktop, laptop or netbook, and the iPad or other tablet.  The app for the iPad is free, you can find it in the app store if you search for “Pearson” under “Education”.

Once you log-in, you will have access to all materials, K-5.  Just select the grade level of interest to see materials and tools.

Icon for the iPad eText

If you have any questions or difficulties logging-in, please call or email Mrs. Lonsinger or a school administrator.

We are currently working on Topic 9: adding & subtracting fractions

Monday, October 26, 2015

More pellet skeletons

Owl pellets

Close up

From our super hero themed buddy day

Sunday, October 25, 2015

What to look forward to this week!!

We should be finishing up just about everything we've been working on since Friday is the last day of the first 9-weeks!

Finishing up this week:

-Owl pellets (look for a skeleton or a picture of it to come home)

-Food web presentations (we will display these in the hallway)

-Native American reports & presentations/brochure (ask your child how where you live influences how you live)

-Adding & subtracting decimals & fractions.  Feel free to give your child some practice problems at home or visit the following website:

-Main idea and quoting supporting details.  Feel free to try this website with your child for extra practice as well:

Thursday, October 29=
-Buddy day with Mrs. Regier's 2nd grade class

Friday, October 30=
-Relay for Life walk & balloon release (2:45-3:30).  EVERYONE is INVITED!!

-Last day of the 1st 9-weeks
-Reading log BINGO sheet due & data binders will be going home