Sunday, February 21, 2016

Converting Length

We're starting to work on Measurement and converting lengths (inches, feet, yards, & miles).  Below is a video & a link to practice problems.

Converting Lengths Practice:

Classifying Quadrilaterals

The link below is to a website called IXL.  It has WONDERFUL practice problems for every standard!!  We are practicing classifying quadrilaterals right now.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Below is a video explaining the hierarchy (order) of quadrilaterals (4-sided shapes).

Reading Circle Graphs Video

In Social Studies, we are getting into reading and creating circle graphs/pie charts.  Below is a video about how to read a circle graph.  The students will watch this in class on Monday.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February Update


Well, it's that time of year again...delays & snow days every week!  Fortunately, we're not too far behind.

I hope everyone had a great 3-day weekend and a happy Valentine's Day!  Sorry I didn't take any pictures during the V-day Party, I was in a meeting most of the time :(  The bits I did see looked like a lot of fun!!

Thank you so much to all the parents & family members who donated items and volunteered their time so the kids could have some fun!!

This week we are working on:

-Geometry in Math (quadrilaterals=4-sided shapes)

-Finishing up Sound in Science

-Introducing a multi-tier timeline in Writing/Social Studies (example below)

-Comparing/contrasting the same event through different genres in Reading

Upcoming Events:

This Friday we have a buddy day.  We are making pine cone bird feeders!!

Next Thursday (the 25th) is the first night of Winter Parent-Teacher Conferences and Book Fair!!

Next Week in Music & Gym the students will be starting line a dancing unit.

Sunday the 28th Graham Elementary is hosting a 10% night at Texas Roadhouse in Springfield.  Graham PTO will receive 10% of your bill as a fundraiser.  Come out, I'll be there all night!