Thursday, August 21, 2014

First Day

Awesome first day!!!!!!!!!
Thank you to all who returned the summer reading assignment!!  If you did not, your child has until Monday to do as much reading as possible. 
Here is the assignment if you may have misplaced it.

Dear Fifth Graders and Families,                          June 3, 2014

Welcome to Fifth Grade!  In order for you to maintain your reading ability and continue to grow over the summer, the fifth grade teachers are requiring you to complete an assignment due the first day of school.  Here are the parts to this graded reading assignment:

1.       Reading Log of at least 1,000 minutes over the summer months (this is approximately 20 minutes per weekday).

2.     Using the prompts provided, write a reflection for at least 5 of the books you have read.  Each reflection should be at least one paragraph long (5-7 sentences).

3.      Upon returning to school, you will be conferencing with your teacher over 1 book you have read.

** This is a required assignment and will be worth 100 points**

We encourage you to join the summer reading program at your local library.  These programs include activities, prizes, take-home crafts, and an end of the program party.    This will add to your reading enjoyment!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact one of the fifth grade teachers listed below:

                                                          Have a super summer,

                                                                   The Fifth Grade Literacy Team

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