Sunday, October 4, 2015

Food Web Poster Project

I am assigning this tomorrow.
In class work day Friday.
Due Tuesday, October 20th.

Food Web Poster Project:
Create a food web by printing/cutting out/drawing pictures of producers, consumers, & decomposers.

Vocab Refresher:
Plants that make their own food
Animals (or some plants) that eat plants or other animals
Organisms that break down dead things to put nutrients back into the soil

1.  Must be on a poster board.

2.  Must include the sun and at least 3 food chains connected into a food web.  Remember the arrows show which way the Energy goes!! 
(sun -> producer -> consumer -> decomposer)

3. Must be colorful & original (do not just print out an already created food web).

4.Must include a list of all the food chains in the web. (Either on back or front of poster)
Sun, grass, rabbit, fox, maggots    
Sun, weeds, mouse, owl, bacteria
Sun, hay, horse, mushroom
Sun, nuts, squirrel, hawk

5. Must include a list categorizing organisms you used as producers, consumers, or decomposers. (Either on back/side of poster or on separate piece of paper)
Producers= grass, weeds, hay, nuts
Consumers= rabbit, fox, mouse, owl, horse, squirrel, hawk
Decomposers= maggots, mushroom, bacteria

We will have 1 work day in class=Fri., Oct. 11th
Project Due=Tues., Oct. 20th


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(except a vulture is a scavenger, not a decomposer)


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